Interstate Hiking Club Minutes – Annual Meeting – June 4, 2017                   IHC home page


The President, Guy Percival, called the meeting to order at 9:10am.  The President motioned to accept the minutes of the 2016 Annual Meeting.  Roy Williams accepted and Jim Schlenker seconded   All in favor.


Members Present Were –

Jerry Giordano, Shirley Weldon, Peter Germann, Carolyn Canfield, Roy Williams, Steven Rikon, Chris Davis, Jim Schlenker, Sarie van Niekerk, Udi Cohen, Paul Ferlazzo, James Canfield, Jennifer Percival, Guy Percival, Ora Zable, Charles Kientzler, Monika Murphy, Marguerite La Corte.


Secretary’s Report –

The Secretary, Marguerite La Corte, read the hike statistics as well as the event cancellations due to poor weather conditions, etc. , and also announced the Top Ten Even Attendees.  The Secretary complimented Paul Ferlazzo and Roy Williams for always deciphering the names of the guests who attended the events before providing her with the sign-in sheet.  Roy Williams motioned to accept the Secretary’s Report and Jerry Giordano seconded.  All in favor.


Treasurer’s Report –

The Treasurer, Charles Kientzler, reported that there were a similar number of new members who joined in the past year. Meet-up brought in a significant number of new members.  The expenses are pretty much the same as other years.  Donations have been the same. The Club’s insurance is up slightly and the printing costs are about the same.  The Club sustained a loss this year of $112.00—last year’s amount was $142.00.  The amount in the checking account is about $3,000.00.  Guy Percival to those present about Meet-Up, which the Club pays for, but it is almost paying for itself.  A discussion ensued about Facebook and other ways to bring in new members.  The Treasurer congratulated James Canfield for maintaining the IHC website.  There was also a discussion about the Trail Conference website being difficult to read.  Paul Ferlazzo suggested raising the annual dues to $15.00 per year.  The Treasurer advised that we tried this in the past, but we lost some members.  Roy Williams motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Jennifer Percival seconded.  All in favor.


Trails Report –

The Trails Chair, Sarie Van Niekerk, presented her Trails Report and also announced that the parking restrictions at Iron Pond.  James Canfield advised he spoke further about the parking restrictions. He also advised that there is a new Superintendent for the Ringwood area, and suggested we work with the new Superintendent.  The Trails Chair suggested placing a sign on the dashboard of your car advising that you are doing trail maintenance so that a person’s car would not be towed.  Roy Williams motioned to accept the Trails Report and Jerry Giordano seconded.  All in favor.


Entertainment Report –

Alastair MacLennan was not present and did not submit an Entertainment Report to the President.  The President announced that the present Entertainment Chair will probably be stepping down and announced that this Officer’s position would be open.  If anyone would be interested in being the Entertainment Chair, please contact the President.


President’s Report –

The President, Guy Percival, advised he needs more hikes to complete the hiking schedule.  Hike ideas are due by July 30th.  The southern section of the Sterling Ridge trail is in good shape.  He advised that the Trails Chair, Sarie Van Niekerk, has been out by herself doing trail maintenance.  Jennifer Percival motioned to accept the President’s Report and Chris Davis seconded.  All in favor.



Old Business –

No old business.


Nominating Committee Report –

The Nominating Committee recommends the slate of Officers for the 2017-2018 year as follows: - Guy Percival – President, Charles Kientzler – Treasurer, Sarie Van Niekerk – Trails Chair, Marguerite la Corte – Secretary.  The Entertainment Chair remains open at this point in time.  James Canfield will continue to be the IHC Web master.  Carolyn Canfield motioned to accept the slate of Officers and Shirley Weldon seconded.  The new Officers assumed their duties.  All in favor.


New Business –

Charles Kientzler stated that we need more leaders and possibly revise the mentoring program for new leaders.  Carolyn Canfield suggested having guidelines for new leaders.  Guy Percival suggested the IHC adopt the Tri-State Ramblers Leader Guidelines.  Jennifer Percival mentioned that leaders should have a map.  It was mentioned to have co-leaders on hikes.  James Canfield suggested that the Leader Guidelines be posted on the IHC website.  Charles Kientzler suggested that an abstract cold be placed in the ICH Hiking Schedule.  Paul Ferlazzo suggested that hikes be posted on Meet-Up for hikes that would take place on Saturdays or weekdays.  The person posting the hike would be leading the hike. Carolyn Canfield announced that she and her husband, James Canfield, will be vacationing with Pat and Dick Gritman in Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana visiting National Parks.  A report will be posted on their website – WWW.SPIRITOF76CJC.COM.  James Canfield suggested that the Secretary, Marguerite La Corte, forward to him a copy of the Minutes of today’s Annual Meeting, which he will post on the IHC Website.  Udi Cohen questioned the cost of the club’s insurance and asked if some members knew CPR if the cost of the insurance would be less.  Charles Kientzler advised that there are several criteria, i.e., the number of hikes and number of guests.  The Club’s insurance only protects leaders and Officers from law suits and, to a certain degree, would cover persons who are underinsured.  In order to be considered as “certified” in CPR, a person has to be recertified every other year. Anyone that knows how, can give CPR in a nonprofessional setting i.e. as a private citizen.  Since there was no further New Business to discuss, Guy Percival motioned to adjourn the meeting and Chris Davis seconded.  All in favor.


The Interstate Hiking Club Annual Meeting was adjourned at 10:12 am.

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