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Interstate Hiking Club Minutes – Annual Meeting June 3, 2018


The President, Guy Percival, called the meeting to order at 9:15 am.  The President motioned to accept the minutes of the 2017 Annual Meeting.  Carolyn Canfield accepted and Steve Rikon seconded.  All in favor.


Members Present Were –

Marguerite La Corte, Ursula Davis, Guy Percival, Roy Williams, Peter Germann, Carolyn Canfield, James Canfield, Udi Cohen, Charles Kientzler, Sarie van Niekerk, Shirley Weldon, Steve Rikon, Monika Murphy, Paul Ferlazzo, George J. Carfagno.


Secretary’s Report –

The Secretary, Marguerite La Corte, read the hike statistics as well as the event cancellations due to poor weather conditions, etc., and also announced the Top Ten Event Attendees.  The Secretary complimented Paul Ferlazzo and Roy Williams for always deciphering the names of the guests who attended the events before providing her with the sign-in sheet.  Roy Williams motioned to accept the Secretary’s Report and Paul Ferlazzo seconded.  All in favor.


Treasurer’s Report –

The Treasurer, Charles Kientzler, reported that the Club had a disastrous announcement from our insurance company advising our insurance would increase from $700.00 to $1,000.00 and then it would increase to $1,500.00 in one or two steps because of the overseas trips.  Going forward the overseas trips will be on a need to know basis.   Because of the increase in insurance, It was decided to increase the annual dues to $20.00.  If there are two Club members at the same address, the second member will only have to pay $10.00.  We had a loss of $485.09.  We donate $300.00 per year as detailed in his Report.   At the present time we have 154.2 members.  We may lost some members either due to aging, no longer hiking or canoeing.  We picked-up    members from Meet-Up.

Roy Williams suggested that we do not give the New York New Jersey Trail Conference the extra $50.00 donation, since the Trail Conference does not do anything for our Club.

Roy Williams motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Peter Germann seconded.  All in favor.


Trail’s Report –

The Trail’s Chair, Sarie van Niikerk, reported that the two trails on Schunemunk are in good shape.  The Sterling Ridge Trail needed a lot of work.  The hours needed to maintain the Sterling Ridge trail was double this year In comparison to last year. 

Carolyn Canfield mentioned that some trails on the Sterling Ridge are still in bad shape due to the storms we have had.  Shirley Weldon motioned to accept the Trail’s Report and Paul Ferlazzo, seconded.  All in favor.


Entertainment Report –

There is no Entertainment Report.  Our President, Guy Percival, announced that Paul Ferlazzo will be our new Entertainment Chair.


President’s Report –

Our President, Guy Percival, personally thanked the leaders for volunteering to lead hikes.  Suggestions for November, 2018 through April, 2019 are due by July 29th, 2018.  The President announced that we could use more people to attend Trail Maintenance.  Also, the President announced the upcoming hikes as detailed in his report.  Charles Kientzler announced that he was thinking that the Club should stop maintaining the Sterling Ridge Trail, but he was surprised to see how many people attended the scheduled trail maintenance.

Roy Williams motioned to accept the President’s Report and Ursula Davis seconded.  All in favor.




Old Business –

No old business.


Nominating Committee Report –

The Nominating Committee recommends the slate of Officers for the 2018-2019 year as follows: -

Buy Percival – President, Charles Kientzler – Treasurer, Sarie van Niekerk – Trails Chair, Marguerite La Corte – Secretary, Paul Ferlazzo - Entertainment Chair.  James Canfield will continue to be the IHC Web Master.  James Canfield announced that if there is any change in the scheduled event to please let him know and he can post it on the web page.  Carolyn motioned to accept the slate of Officers and Roy Williams seconded.  All in favor.


No Recess –


New Officers Assumed Their Duties.


New Business –

See the President’s Report for details. 

Charles Kientzler mentioned that our President, Guy Percival, needs help in leading hikes as he is filling in quite often because leaders are not available.

Since there was no further New Business to discuss, Guy Percival motioned to adjourn the meeting and Shirley Weldon seconded.  All in favor.


The Interstate Hiking Club Annual meeting was adjourned at 10:03 am.

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